
Center for Chinese Studies

Center for Chinese Studies

The ARI Center for Chinese Studies was founded to contribute to the development of Chinese studies by carrying on ARI's long tradition in Chinese studies and communist bloc studies and approaching China and related fields in a comprehensive and in-depth manner through consilience between the humanities and social sciences. The Center for Chinese Studies aims to be a truly world-class hub of Chinese studies by generating in-depth research results and promoting active academic exchanges between researchers through efforts to continue to find new research themes on China, hold various academic meetings, build a research network both at home and abroad, and implement joint research projects.


중국연구센터 조직
구분 구성원
센터장 이정남
정치-경제-사회 연구실 이정남(책임자)
역사-사상-문화 연구실 윤형진(책임자)
자문위원 서진영(고려대 명예교수, 한중전문가공동연구위원회 위원장), 김익수(고려대 경영학과 교수), 지아칭궈(베이징대 국제관계학원 교수), 리징펑 (베이징대 정부관리학원 교수), 좌오촨성(American University 교수), 진찬롱(인민대 국제관계학원 부원장), 선딩리(상하이 푸단대, 국제정치), 김태승(아주대), 유장근(경남대), 노기식(동북아역사재단), 유용태(서울대)
객원 교수 및 객원연구위원 주장환(한신대, 정치학), 김재관(전남대, 정치학), 하도형(국방대, 정치학), 김흥규(아주대, 정치학), 김영진(국민대, 정치학), 김애경(명지대, 정 치학), 정주연(고려대, 정치학), 김민수(인천대, 경제학), 이상국(국방연구원, 정치학), 이기현(한국외대 교수), 류장용(칭화대), 수하오(중국 외교학원), 황다후이(인민대 국제관계학원, 정치학), 옌지롱(베이징대), 피아오젠이(중국사회과학워 아태연구소, 정치학), 펑종차오(중국 칭화 대, 행정학), 야오환칭(중국인민대, 법학), 김승욱(서울시립대), 김수영(국민대), 정문상(가천대), 박장배(동북아역사재단), 이욱연(서강대), 윤휘 탁(한경대), 김지환(인천대), 강수정(성균중국연구소 연구교수), 우신보(푸단대 미국연구소 소장), 정지영(푸단대 한국학센터 주임)
박사급 연구원 이유정(아세아문제연구소 post-doc.), 모준영(공군사관학교 강사), 유희복(성신여대 강사)
연구보조원 조청봉(고려대 정치학과 박사수료), 이정우(고려대, 정치학 석사과정)


Political Reform and Democracy

The panel analyzes the current state and characteristics of political reform in China and explores the possibility of the emergence of a democratic China. In particular, the panel looks into the meaning of democracy as embraced by China and predicts both the likelihood and future of China's modification of democracy.

  • Chief : Jung-nam Lee (ARI professor)
Projects in progress
  • Political Changes and the Conception of Democracy in China: Approach through comparative historical analysis of discourse and empirical survey: Mar. 2010 to Feb. 2012 (Posco TJ Park Foundation)
  • Chinese Communist Party and Political Changes

Foreign Policy & Security

The panel plans to conduct comprehensive research on China's foreign, security, and Northeast Asian policies; Sino-U.S. relations; and Sino-Korean relations. The reason for pursuing this research is that a study on the external policies of China, which has emerged as a new East Asian power, is a key variable in bringing peace and development to the Korean Peninsula, East Asia, and the world. The Office of Politics & Economics Research is in charge of operating the Foreign Policy & Security Panel.

  • Chief : Jung-nam Lee (ARI professor)
Projects in progress
  • China's External Policies in the Xi Jinping Era: May 16, 2011 to Nov. 30, 2011 (Northeast Asian History Foundation, published in book form)

Urban China Studies

The panel takes note of the role of cities and city dwellers in China in the last 100 years. The panel aims to deepen understanding of Chinese history and society by undertaking research on cities as a new polity and a hotbed of discourse, civil society and culture in cities, domestic migrants, urban laborers, urban society and statism, and recent reurbanization.

  • Chief : Sang-soo Park (professor of history at Korea University, vice director of ARI)

Cold War Studies

The panel inherits ARI's tradition of communist bloc studies and takes an interdisciplinary approach between history and political science to study the impact on East Asia of the Cold War in the mid- to late 20th Century. In addition, the panel focuses on finding and amassing archives in the areas of China's politics, diplomacy, and society, which have recently been opened to the public.

  • Chief : Sang-soo Park (professor of history at Korea University, vice director of ARI)

The Chinese State: the Ideological basis of founding and running a state

Throughout history, Chinese states have continued to change in terms of their system and its operation, the thought underpinning each system, and their identity. Accordingly, changes have also occurred in the understanding of the "people" as members of a state and the relationship between the state and the people. The Chinese State.

  • Chief : Jung-hwan Lee (ARI HK research professor), Hyun-seung Shin (ARI HK research professor)


Academic Activities

1. Seminar and Roundtable

On the medium- to long-term intensive research topics that the center has selected, experts in related fields give a presentation and lead a discussion. Research panels are formed according to areas such as politics, economy, history, society, and thought, and the panels lead seminars. This enables the center to understand current issues and research trends in related fields and develop new research topics. Currently, fives panels, namely the Political Reform and Democracy Panel, the Foreign Policy & Security Panel, the Urban China Studies Panel, the Chinese State Panel, and the Cold War Studies Panel, are actively holding seminars.

2. Workshops

To ensure a variety of approaches to diverse topics related to China, experts on China or Northeast Asia are invited from home and abroad to make a presentation and lead a discussion. The workshop is open to professors and both graduate and undergraduate students from various China-related departments at Korea University, China experts from outside the university, and the general public interested in Chinese issues. This is an opportunity to disseminate and share the results of ARI's Chinese studies with various experts as well as the public.

3. Conferences

To provide opportunities to present the center's research results and discuss historical and current issues, the center hosts a domestic or international conference at least once a year.

4. Korea-China Forum

The forum is aimed at organizing regular academic exchanges between the ARI Center for Chinese Studies and major research institutes in China. Through the forum, the center seeks a common understanding regarding the direction of the development of Sino-Korean relations and the peace and development of East Asia, and it also tries to establish a wide research network that connects Korean and Chinese researchers.

Cooperation and Networking

By encouraging Chinese studies scholars at home and abroad as well as scholars in China-related departments at Korea University to actively participate in ARI's various research projects and events, the ARI Center for Chinese Studies can secure a network that enables the center to serve as a hub for Chinese studies. To this end, the center maintains the following positions:


The center appoints experts in and out of the country as advisors to seek expertise on the activities and future direction of the center.

Visiting professor

The center invites Korean and foreign experts on China or Northeast Asia as visiting professors to expand the scope of the center.

Research assistant

The center has the next-generation scholars in master's and doctoral programs participate in projects and activities as research assistants.


Planning and publishing research series: The center collects its research results and publishes them as a Chinese studies series, as an extension of the existing Chinese studies collection.
