
Center for North Korean Studie

Center for North Korean Studies

In 1957, Asiatic Research Institute was established as the first research institute affiliated with university taking an initiating role in research on Northeast Asia region and the Communist bloc. ARI has held a academic conference and publish a study of books on a number of topics, it makes ARI playing a pivotal role in Asia not just the internal.

ARI has having ceaseless study on NK region, especially on 2013, had a special lecture the name of ‘North Korea under Kim Jong-un’ (Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies). On October, 2014, the Center for North Korean Studies was established as dedication to Northern part responsible for all issues pertaining to North Korea Study.
Professor Nam(North Korean Studies, Korea University) who served as Chief of Institute for National Security Strategy(2008-2011) and secretary general of the National Unification Advisory Council(2012-2013) undertakes the first head of the ARI Center for North Korean Studies and handles everything that has to do with research.

The ARI Center for North Korean Studies conduct total study about politics, economy, society, culture and history of North Korea aims to contribute mutual understanding of humanity and enhancement of culture. The ARI Center for North Korean Studies will try to provide new vision to a field of North Korean Studies by following ARI's tradition, interdisciplinary research, and accomplishing many tasks in Northern area. Not only North Korean Studies, we will construct research association by promoting research interchange with experts from home and abroad and collaborating research project with professionals in various fields. Through this we will foster NK experts and contribute improvement of inter-Korean relations, ultimately peace of Korean peninsula.


직책 분야 성명 소속
센터장 남성욱 교수 고려대 북한학과
전문위원 경제과학 정유석 연구교수 고려대 아세아문제연구소
곽인옥 교수 서강대 사회과학연구소
통일정책 김동규 교수 고려대 명예교수
이영수 이사장 (사)남북경제연구원
홍은정 교수 고려대 북한학과
정치군사 강영지 이사장 일본 정책종합연구소 이사장, 타쿠쇼쿠대학 대학원 국제협력학연구과
김효진 박사 JTBC
부형욱 박사 한국국방연구원 안보전략연구센터
설인효 박사 한국국방연구원 안보전략연구센터
사회문화 이현주 박사 IMCHILDS 심리상담소
이철수 HK 연구교수 신한대학교
유병희 교수 단국대 초빙교수
연구원 박용한 고려대 북한학과 박사수료
남민지 고려대 북한학과 박사수료
노병춘 고려대 북한학과 박사수료
왕천선 고려대 북한학과 박사과정
백연주 고려대 북한학과 박사과정
조평세 고려대 북한학과 박사과정
이호찬 고려대 북한학과 석사
곽은경 고려대 북한학과 석사과정


북한연구의 사업목표
Diversifying a Field of Study

Develop extensively existing field of research biased on politics and military.

Making Research Scientific

Analysis quantitatively the North Korean studies as a department of social science.

연구의 과학화

사회과학의 한 분과인 북한학을 계량적·정량적으로 분석한다.

Specialization in Research

Enhance professionalism conducting research interchange with specialists in the area.

Systematization Research

Set up and develop North Korean data systems.


Monthly Seminar

We discuss political pending issue and academic topic once a month.

International Seminar

We hold a seminar once or more a year by inviting an outside specialist to present research result of particular field and discuss idea about that.

Ordinary Science Council

Above this we conduct announcement and discussion frequently inviting domestic and foreign experts, professors in Korea University whose major relate with subject matter, graduate students, undergraduate students and public who have interests in the issue to hear a variety of opinions.

Main Research Subject

  • The characteristics and economic management study of the ways in the North Korean economy
  • A study on the forms of South-North Economic Integration
  • A study on the North's geography and industry
  • A study on the political regime and social change of the North Korea
  • A strategy research to respond sudden change in the North Korea
  • A study on transformation of the North Korea
  • A study on unification policy
  • A study on trends in the North Korean military - Real condition of WMD including nuclear and missile development
  • A study on the reform and opening of the North Korea
  • A study on the diplomacy of the North Korea - Sino-North, Sino-Japanese and US-North relations