
The Journal of Asiatic Studies

Guidelines For Contributors

The Journal of Asiatic Studies embraces a wide range of academic disciplines in humanities and social sciences, and is one of the most prominent journals in Korea. On the one hand it has covered regional studies, comparative social studies, theoretical research and empirical observations, and policies and historical interpretations. On the other hand, it has dealt with broad political and social issues through in-depth analysis from life and culture. The Journal of Asiatic Studies welcomes original articles concerned particularly with Asia in the fields of humanities and social sciences.

Submission of Manuscript

Those wishing to contribute may send the manuscripts to the following: Tel: 81-2-3290-2477 Fax: 81-2-923-4661
Manuscripts submitted should not have been published elsewhere and should not be under review for publication elsewhere. Once accepted for publication, copyright resides with The Journal of Asiatic Studies.

Format of Manuscript

Please follow these guidelines when preparing a manuscript for submission. Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines will not be reviewed.

1. Text

Article manuscripts, including notes and references, should range between 8,000 and 10,000 words, or approximately thirty-five pages in length.

2. Spelling and style

Note that we conform to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and The Chicago Manual of Style in matters of spelling, abbreviation, punctuation, etc.. When you use an acronym or abbreviation in the manuscript, please spell it out in full the first time.

3. Abstract

Write the abstract in direct, vigorous prose. Length should be 150 words or less. A list of up to five key words, expressing the precise content of the manuscript, should appear directly below the abstract.

4. Style notes
  • Books
    • Citation: (Pateman 1970, 46)
    • References: Pateman, Carole. 1970. Participation and Democratic Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Articles
    • Citation: (Margalit and Raz 1990, 450)
    • References: Margalit, Avishi and Joseph Raz. 1990.
  • 5. Biographical sketch

    Biographical sketch should include current affiliation, academic background, recent publications, mailing and e-mail addresses at the end of the manuscript.
