
Center for Comparative History Studies

Center for Comparative History Studies

The center was founded to advance East Asian regional studies by creating a channel of communication between researchers in fields related to East Asian history, sharing research results of individual scholars, and finding a theoretical basis for East Asian regional studies.


비교사연구센터 연구진
직책 성명
센터장 송규진(고려대 교수)
비교사 연구실장 방광석(동국대 연구교수)
실크로드 연구실장 박대재(고려대 교수)
한일관계 연구실장 송병권(상지대 교수)
한중관계 연구실장 강경락(강남대 교수)
연구위원 구선희(고려대 강사), 권내현(고려대 교수), 김윤희(전주대 교수), 김희신(상명대 교수), 박은숙(고려대 강사), 박찬흥(국회도서관 사료관), 배항섭(성균관대 교수), 손기영(고려대 교수), 송병권(상지대 교수), 송양섭(고려대 교수), 유바다(고려대 교수), 이영옥(전남대 교수), 이재석(한성대 교수), 이헌주(국사편찬위원회 편수관), 이형식(고려대 교수), 윤형진(고려대 교수), 조경희(성공회대 교수), 조명근(영남대 교수), 허은(고려대 교수), 홍성구(경북대 교수)
연구원 강필구(고려대 박사과정), 박우현(고려대 박사과정), 구병준(고려대 박사과정), 김태현(고려대 박사과정), 노성룡(고려대 박사과정)


Major Research Topics

  • Sino-Korean Relations in Chinese Official Documents
  • Northeast Asia from the Perspective of Comparative History

Activities and Projects

1. Research

Hosting symposiums

Symposium in Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Wanpaoshan Incident: The Wanpaoshan Incident and Sino-Korean Relations
- Date and time: Fri., 17th Jun. 2011, 13:30~18:00

Chinese official documents reading seminar

Researchers intensively analyze modern Chinese official documents and organize their contents through continuous reading. In particular, by reading official documents on Sino-Korean relations written at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the center advances research on bilateral relations at the time and enables scholars of the history of Sino-Korean relations to access a wider range of data.

East Asian comparative history seminar

Scholars who study different regions or subjects gather to seek a comparative historical approach. The seminar aims to present a new methodology and agenda in East Asian regional studies through approaches such as "comparison of the history of popular movements in Korea, China, and Japan," "comparison of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese culture," "comparison of Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism in Korea, China, and Japan," and "comparison of the modernization of Europe and that of three Asian nations."

2. Projects

The project titled "Reality of Sino-Korean Relations in Official Documents of Modern China – A Bibliographical Introduction to the Records of the Chinese Legation in Korea at the End of the Qing Dynasty" is in progress. The center wrote a bibliographical introduction over three years—from July 2008 to June 2011—to the Records of the Chinese Legation in Korea at the End of the Qing Dynasty that is in the possession of the Institute of Modern History of the Academia Sinica, with a research grant of 540 million won provided by the National Research Foundation of Korea as part of the basic studies support project. The center's researchers have also been reading historical records on Sino-Korean relations with support provided for small research groups by the National Research Foundation of Korea in 2009 and 2010. In addition, the center is writing—from July 2011 to October 2011—with a research grant of 8 million won provided by the National Institute of Korean History—a bibliographical introduction to the Records of the Chinese Legation in Joseon During Yuan Shikai Period that is in the possession of the Institute of Modern History of the Academia Sinica.
