
Working Papers

[WP29] The Various Perspectives of Colonial Rule in Korea and the Possibility of Historical Reconcil

2015.07.13 Views 2015.07.13


[ARI Working Paper Series No. 29]


The Various Perspectives of Colonial Rule in Korea and the Possibility of Historical Reconciliation


Kue-Jin Song



Comparative studies of history of each country in Northeast Asia will primarily be a basis for improving mutual understanding among the countries. The time has come to create the basis for common historical awareness through the translation and publication of research results of comparative studies in the language of each Northeast Asian country. This will analyze the causes of the not-so-peaceful history of invasion, war, and violation of human rights by reflecting on the Northeast Asian past and provide guidelines for a peaceful future for the “Northeast Asian community,” thereby settling conflicts and troubles and creating the basis for a ‘historical’ reconciliation.


Keywords: Reconciliation; Northeast Asia; Colonial Era; Nationalism



